If you are interested in doing an arrest warrant search in Sublette County, WY, you need to understand that your options are not limited to state agencies such as the police and the courthouse. As a matter of fact, if you start with a clear idea about why and how much information you seek, any inquiry on arrest records and active warrants can be made easier and more fruitful.

For instance, let us say you need a formal background report that needs to be furnished to a prospective employer or if you have been asked to submit crime history data for the purpose of adoption, in such scenarios, you will have to go to a state department. Government agencies will not only provide a written report on the arrests and active warrants from Sublette County in your name but also they notarize the document, adding further credibility to it.

However, if the purpose of your inquiry is to seek information on a new acquaintance or friend, a private establishment could work just as well. However, do not expect to get formal crime profile from such agencies. They work over the internet and provide information on arrest records and active warrants from Sublette County as well as the rest of the country through their website.

To connect with such an agency, you will need to fill the form above, pay a nominal fee and for a fixed period of time, you will be allowed to conduct as many arrest warrant searches as you need. On the other hand, when you get in touch with one of the state departments listed below, you will end up paying for every inquiry on outstanding warrants. Plus, you will need to contact the agency in person or through mail at:

  • The Police: PO Box 701, 35-1/2 S Tyler Ave, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941
  • The court: 21 S Fremont Ave, Pinedale, WY 82941
  • The clerk of court: PO Box 250, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941-0250

What phone numbers should you be dialing for a warrants search or arrests inquiry in Sublette County? (2021-Update)  

  • To learn about recent arrests, call Sublette County Detention Center at 307-367-4378.
  • To get information on arrest warrants, contact the Circuit Court at 307-367-2556.
  • To get help for a victim, contact the Sublette County Attorney’s Office at 307-367-2300.
  • For accident reports and arrest records, contact the Sheriff’s Office at 307-367-4378 (Pinedale) and 307-276-5448 (Marbleton).
  • (For judicial records and a case search, contact the District Court at 307-367-4376.

Crime statistics of Sublette County

Between 2018 and 2019, the annual crime average of County decreased by almost 9%. As opposed to the incident rate of almost 53 cases in 2018, in the following year, only about 48 complaints were filed with the Sheriff’s Office. Of these complaints, around 45 were against property crimes and 3 were against violent crimes.

Older crime statistics

Of the nearly 300 instances of crime that are reported in Sublette County, Wyoming only about 115 of the complaints are filed against violent matters such as rape and homicides. The majority of the cases are lodged against theft at a reported 160 instances per annum.